"Gabe, what kinds of cars do people drive down there?" The topic is: cars and locomotion. To answer the question, I invite you all to join me for the first annual time travel "Tour de Beatle". Copyright Brandon the man...don.
The increased presence of the beatle is often noted in the cities of South America. Please step this way. Please take note of our first specimen. Classic. A very shiny and well-kept eggshell white. And to the left, you may notice a cultural phenomenon written on the wall, "ARAGUA PUTO". Many soccer teams, laws, and politicians share this very common last name.
Whoa, here are my good buddies Brandon (a rotary scholar from Nebraska) and Vincent (a student from France). They noticed your legs are shaky from all the walking and they'd like to take us for a ride in this forest-green, sunlit beauty, but we won't fit.
I'm tired of walking as well, we must have walked...at least a block! Luckily, I lined up transport for us. Hop in che!
At your three o'clock, is a good sized auto, painted with a delicate periwinkle blue. (How about a pair of them shoes boss?)
In the very heart of the capital city, on the corner of historic city hall and the street 18 de Julio, we can see a tan model with a somewhat rust coloration. As we pass we see that the tapedeck and the Credence are still there.
I hope you all have enjoyed the Tour. I would like to apologize for the quality of the Tour as some of these specimens make wild and unexpected movements. It isn't safe to get too close. Whoa! Look out!

Case in point! Thanks for coming everyone, enjoy your day and be safe. =D You have gained 100 experience points! Congratulations, you have reached level 2! hp+10!