Well, looks like the era of saving money is over. Monday I start school so I am to stay put for the semester. Monday will be the first day of classes. I´m taking some good stuff, looks like. I had my first Rotary meeting last week. That was fun, it was a group of about 15 characters. Meeting topic was a sort of shelter that the Rotaract club, which is very active, is working on. I met the Rotaract characters a few weeks ago and tonight will also be our first meeting. ¿Are there any hitchhikers guide to the galaxy fans out there? ¡TO BUSINESS!
The other first I had today was a class of Taikwondo. I´ve always wanted to learn a martial art and since the place is 2 blocks from my house, I figured now was the time to learn. I found out that punching bags, after an hour so, give back as good as they get, or more. :) There´s class tomorrow as well! Any saving silverman fans? Cmoneeyeahhhaaaww!
as an addendum to the backwards- seafood is not good backwards.