martes, 30 de junio de 2009

A cute carebear fashion show

Real quick note. I added a quick mailing option -> there is an envelope icon at the bottom of each blog <- to make it easy to mail an entry to someone. There is a translator on the left to facilitate understanding-good luck :) And a Youtube viewer to watch my cartoon series. Cartoons are not only for little kids; they are for big kids too.

Star date L70915J5. As I was strolling around la plaza de independencia the other day. Foto Below. That handsome fellow on the horse would be General Artigas, and the "boludo" blocking the view would be Yours Truly.

The scoop is that this weekend, instead of the plaza sparsely populated by couples, turist police, and "planchas" looking to score a few pesos, we found a plaza full of pop-bellied bears. Many nationas had adorned a bear with defining characteristics of their countries. So I'll take you on a quick visit of the bear necesities fashion show.

First comes Guatemala; this healthy bear is sporting a pretty flower moomoo. This flower (I can't remember what it's called) is grown in many areas of Guatemala. The belt may have indigenous influence; the colors resemble the traje tradicional that many indigenous woman wear. From here I can't be sure, I am busy trying to stick out my panza just like the bear.

Next up, Los Estados Unidos! That's a classy toga. July 4th is coming up. I don't think Uruguay is prepared for the Rumble in the Basin, Fire in the Sky fireworks storm it is about to witness. "Uruguay! Preparese!"

One of the Uruguayan bears has already finished its go on the runway. Every soul in the plaza wanted to get a picture with this one so I had to settle for a rear shot with the sun from Uruguay's flag. As a side note, the Argentine bear didn't make it to the show. The word is he had claimed an author that was born in Uruguay and he was subsequently vandalized. No joke, literature around here is serious business.
(This bear is for you Niels) And the last bear we find is a real shocker. Echa un gander and see if you can guess from which country is this bear...? Ortografia?
If you noted, the beauty pageant strip boasts of being the Fairy Tale Kingdom. Look at the flag at the bottom. Yep, if you looked at the flag, it would be Denmark. Niels buddy, so much for a proud and pillaging viking tradition.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Another rainy day!

This is another rainy day edition, !but with an exclamation mark! A beautiful girl speaking portunol introduced me to a classic cartoon series in portugues, Os cavaleiros zodiacos, or the Zodiac knights. Not only is it a great way to wait for the sunshine, it's a sweet way to learn some more portuguese. I hate to say it, but I'm hooked. I'm up to episode 9 of many...the 009 suggests that there may be 100's of episodes. So, a blustery wind hurling friged rains tomorrow would be just as good as a smiling sunshine in the Uruguay corner of the world map. If you've found yourself waiting out a rainy day with a bowl of cereal in hand, just go to the youtube browser to the left to check out the Cavaleiros zodiacos! While your at it, search Jaspion as well; that stuff is crazy =-D

martes, 9 de junio de 2009


Howdy cowboys and cowgirls, I prepared a quick chess lesson for you characters. The video I tried to upload didn't work out so you'll have to settle for the usual ho-hum pictures. I ask only two things of you. Number 1. Please raise your hand before answering or asking a question. 2. Please think about the questions I make before raising your hand in order to have an answer ready when I call on you. If you don't understand, please say so .

In the past weeks, we've learned a lot about how to move the pieces, illegal and legal moves etc. Sebastian, ?me podes dar un ejemplo de un movimiento ilegal?

Muy bien! Good work. Now, let's move on to this example I've placed on the board. It's white's turn; what is white's best move? Let's think about it for one minute.
Did everyone just raise their hand immediately without thinking about it? Put them down and let's think some more.

Facundo y Eduardo, hagan como que les interesase el juego por favor. :P Good work you two! =-D

In the following foto: Caterin, Shana, and Melina. Shana is also an ambassadorial scholar here in Montevideo. Thanks Shana for having found this project and for your ideas, time, and willingness to help out.

And on that note, I encourage all of you to pull out the dusty chess board and go rock somebody's socks. Gabester Floyd, signin' out.