martes, 9 de junio de 2009


Howdy cowboys and cowgirls, I prepared a quick chess lesson for you characters. The video I tried to upload didn't work out so you'll have to settle for the usual ho-hum pictures. I ask only two things of you. Number 1. Please raise your hand before answering or asking a question. 2. Please think about the questions I make before raising your hand in order to have an answer ready when I call on you. If you don't understand, please say so .

In the past weeks, we've learned a lot about how to move the pieces, illegal and legal moves etc. Sebastian, ?me podes dar un ejemplo de un movimiento ilegal?

Muy bien! Good work. Now, let's move on to this example I've placed on the board. It's white's turn; what is white's best move? Let's think about it for one minute.
Did everyone just raise their hand immediately without thinking about it? Put them down and let's think some more.

Facundo y Eduardo, hagan como que les interesase el juego por favor. :P Good work you two! =-D

In the following foto: Caterin, Shana, and Melina. Shana is also an ambassadorial scholar here in Montevideo. Thanks Shana for having found this project and for your ideas, time, and willingness to help out.

And on that note, I encourage all of you to pull out the dusty chess board and go rock somebody's socks. Gabester Floyd, signin' out.