Star date L70915J5. As I was strolling around la plaza de independencia the other day. Foto Below. That handsome fellow on the horse would be General Artigas, and the "boludo" blocking the view would be Yours Truly.
The scoop is that this weekend, instead of the plaza sparsely populated by couples, turist police, and "planchas" looking to score a few pesos, we found a plaza full of pop-bellied bears. Many nationas had adorned a bear with defining characteristics of their countries. So I'll take you on a quick visit of the bear necesities fashion show.
First comes Guatemala; this healthy bear is sporting a pretty flower moomoo. This flower (I can't remember what it's called) is grown in many areas of Guatemala. The belt may have indigenous influence; the colors resemble the traje tradicional that many indigenous woman wear. From here I can't be sure, I am busy trying to stick out my panza just like the bear.
(This bear is for you Niels) And the last bear we find is a real shocker. Echa un gander and see if you can guess from which country is this bear...? Ortografia?
If you noted, the beauty pageant strip boasts of being the Fairy Tale Kingdom. Look at the flag at the bottom. Yep, if you looked at the flag, it would be Denmark. Niels buddy, so much for a proud and pillaging viking tradition.