Here's the scoop. I take a quick trip north to try and escape Winter. Where better than Brasil?, supposed land of sun and beaches. After an overnight bus ride of 12 hrs, I found myself in Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul. I hopped off the bus, and thought that someone had made a wrong turn. It was cold! And everyone drinks mate! ?Where was I, Uruguay?

Above are bahby (fonetically spelled) (ta bem bom bahby)and Alexandre. Muy, pero muy buena gente. Alright, I'll confess. The weather was a little bit better in Porto Alegre, but you still spend a lot of time shivering. And it's not mate, it's chimarrao! Below, you'll see those two characters along with Leandro y JR. (I'm pretty sure that everybody here is an INTER fan)

Everyone is sporting a hat with the uruguayan sun, (desaparecido hace varios meses). Something interesting, a large proportion of the people I met were some combination of the following: doctorate student in mathematics, climber, vegetarian, and speaker of english, spanish, and portuguese, and !trilegal! These guys bring a real buena onda.

Above: !Cool beans! Taking advantage of a sunny day. Below: Floresta Rotary Club banner exchange. This may have been the most fun Rotary meeting I've attended. The rotarians give a great welcome, and didn't make fun of me as I brutally, and mercilessly, destroyed their language. =-D It may never be the same.

And the final shot, the picture of the gas-heated water system in the hotel where I stayed for a few days.

!All in all, it was a blast!...or could have been.
e tudos sabem que o carnaval uruguaio e muito melhor do que Brasil. Tambem o futbol. O futbol uruguaio ganho a Brasil no ano 50 e foi campeao do mundo! Alem disso, INTER, Campeao de tudo!