!!LA REVANCHA!! Take a quick-see in my blog, and about 5 months ago an entry regarding UTPMP will appear. UTPMP (A roof for my country) is an organization that builds houses with volunteers several times a year. If anyone remembers, I was pretty bitter about the 4 day ordeal, scarred due to minimal sleep and food. Although I had sworn to have nothing to do with the organization again, my friends talked me into it. UTPMP had planned the largest construction ever; in two days, volunteers would build 107 houses. They were short on volunteers, and I grudgingly placed my name on the list. Al final de cuentas, we had a rematch, and ?you know what happened? It was a really great experience! :).
My cuadrilla worked with a tireless family. Everybody helped out; these guys can dig. Together, we pulled boar-sized rocks and blocks of concrete out of the earth. Above, you'll see Maury and I on saw detail after a day in the "quarry". With our powers combined, we were "Team Serrucho".
!Esta todo el mundo!
A foto of the ever present hammer. The more appropriate simbol would be "la pala". I don't have a foto of the palas we used, but it looks something like this.
See those rocks?...go dig 18 holes with this thing. =D

Gabe, why are you playing video games instead of working? These laptops are really exciting. Uruguay is one of the first countries, if not the first, to give laptops to every single child in the country as part of a youth development and education program. Over 300,000 laptops, and they pulled it off just recently. Teachers give homework which require use of the computer. Every teacher has a master laptop which can remotely shut off a laptop that doesn't show up to class asi que a stolen laptop can serve only as a paper-weight. There is Wi-fi in the schools and in the surrounding area so that children and families have limited access to the internet. There are some "inconvenientes" with the idea but overall I think it's great. The laptops help to bring information and technology (news, geography, email, videos, camera etc.) that would otherwise be inaccessible to many marginalized families. An impressive project, props to Uruguay. And props to everyone who contributed to the construction of another 107 houses.

I threw this one in for the animal lovers :)

Where do the gummy bears fit in? Ah, like I was saying, the children have some access to the internet...if you know a child in Uruguay, by now you have seen this video hundreds of times. Click on the Osito gominola to the left in the video bar or search in youtube "Yo soy tu gominola". !No te lo pierdas!