sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

Back to the chessing board

The other day, with the support of the University of Montevideo and their volunteer organization (VUM), we put together a two day chess workshop. The idea was to present the methodology created by the US Chess Center in D.C. to recruit volunteers willing to teach chess. We had a few takers, and we made some great contacts with la Federacion de ajedrez. The younger guys had already been thinking about teaching chess in their neighborhoods (Camilo and Roberto have taught them for some time already), and were looking for a program to use. Two friends, Braden (otro Rotary scholar) and Diego might have been sold on the program as well. A shout out to you guys, thanks.

The best result that came out of the workshop was a contact with another student in the UM, Alberto. El senor Sanchez is part of a group of students called "los jovenes artiguistas" (Search Artigas) that are working in a needy area in the perifery of Montevideo, Maracana. For some time they have been supporting a merendero (a place where kids can go after school to "tomar la leche" o sea, eat a little something. Their idea has been to bolster the impact of the Merendero in the community, making it the axle of change in the barrio. Fase one, create an "after school club" with activities supported by positive role models. So where does this take us?

That's right! See the title. These are the chessboards that a friend, Ines bought for the merendero out of pocket. The idea was to get her company/employer to spring for them, but it would have been a lengthier process, and she wanted us to have them right away. Ines is also going to try to get her company to support the merendero on a more permanent basis. Thanks Ines!!

To the Merendero!

On the left (My other left!) with the kids, Jessica, otra Rotary scholar (we run in packs), and Carlos, a joven artiguista. On the right, a funny foto, the brothers Guillermo and Marcos. Behind the camera, Braden. And we are missing fotos of the others, Joaquim, Marcos, Jose, y Alberto. And we hope to keep the manpower, and the kids, coming. And for the littler ones, we just tested out a reading session with the kids on Friday, and it was a big hit.
Alright, Game on!!