I believe it was my second year at the university of Wyoming when I took a public speaking course (por fuerza). The first speech we had to make was an acceptance speach; we're about to see how I fared.
Thanks to la Juventud Artiguista, o sea, !Team Maracana! They mercilessly berated me for walking around taking pictures and shamed me into working as well. Thanks to the Couch Surfers, las cuales (they were all women, that's interesting) came to lend a hand. Here's where the Where's Waldo comes in; ?Can you find Yours Truly?
You'll have to look behind, through, and in all 53 bags of trash (some smaller than others) to find me. Don't spend to much time looking...I'm not in there, !te engane! :P I took the picture. So we'll play again. This time I'm in there. Ready go.
And the best for last, a very special thanks to my mom! You can find her in the picture as well. This one is a lot tougher; try finding her in the 1st picture on top of el cerro first. She came to visit and allowed me to drag her up the hill to help realizar Proyecto Pan de Azucar!
The bad news is we were only able to clean up about half of the trash on el cerro, and we threw all of it away due to the difficulties involved with recycling in the area. And faltan todavia signs that say "NO TIRAR BASURA". But it's one step towards a greater awareness of the environment.
I think I thanked just about everybody so it's time to wrap up the speech. Conclusion. Evaluation: Ah! The entire premise is off; an acceptance speech is for accepting something, and my purpose was to thank everyone, and to talk about the great work they did. I'm going to get an 'F' roja! Ah well, I never liked that class anyway.